Tuesday 27 August 2013

Starting off Week 1: Skincare

Hey beauties,
Welcome to my first post of the starting off project. This post is going to be all about skincare and some tips and tricks to give you clear, healthy skin.

Now the three words that spring to mind and will probably spring to yours when thinking about skincare is cleanse, tone and moisturise. They are the words used the most in skincare because they are the most important, but before I delve into them I just wanted to mention some rules you should follow to have clear skin.
1.      Always remove makeup before bed – This is very important because if you sleep with your makeup on they can clog your pores which will lead to blemishes and spots. Face wipes and make-up remover water are the best ways of removing them. I recommend Simple face wipes as they are very gentle on the skin. http://www.superdrug.com/clearer-skin/simple-cleansing-wipes-x-25/invt/949321
2.      Drink at least a litre of water everyday – this will flush out toxins and eliminate dirt that clogs up pores. It also hydrates and tightens the skin.
3.      Try to have some makeup free days – This can be hard especially if you’re out and about everyday, but makeup free days allow your skin to breathe.
4.      Avoid anti-spot treatments if you do not have spots - I know how tempting it can be to want to use these products to prevent spots, but in most cases it will produce them.
5.      Balanced diet – A balanced diet with the correct portions of fruit and vegetables will supply your body with nutrients and vitamins it needs to build up skin cells.

Cleansing is the act of freeing your skin from dirt. So, in order to effectively clean your skin, I would suggest using an exfoliating glove such as this http://www.superdrug.com/superdrug-white-body-glove/invt/227722 from Superdrug. And also use a facial wash such as Vitamin C Cleansing polish from the Bodyshop http://www.thebodyshop.co.uk/shop-by-range/vitamin-c/vitamin-c-facial-cleansing-polish.aspx?cm_mmc=FusePump-_-GoogleShopping-_-TagMan-_-Link&gclid=CLDBk_bQk7kCFVMPtAod6EoAGw. A cheaper alternative that I use is The Clean and Clear morning energy facial wash from Superdrug, which also contains Vitamin C http://www.superdrug.com/clearer-skin/clean+clear-morning-energy-daily-facial-wash-150ml/invt/272050 . This vitamin is an antioxidant that hydrates, strengthens and helps the skin repair itself. It is best to wash your face with it twice a day, but only use the glove once a day on your face. To exfoliate and cleanse just apply a small amount of facial wash to the wet gloves and rub hands together until you get a lather. Then slowly and gently make circular motions with the gloves around the cheeks, forehead, nose, chin and eye area. I would suggest using a separate pair of gloves for exfoliating the body. 

Toning gives greater strength and firmness to skin. It is also essential to use a toner after cleansing to remove excess cleanser which may clog pores. Apply a small amount of toner to a cotton pad and wipe over entire face. Do not rinse off toner! This is the toner I use from Wilkinsons.

This is a step that should not be missed, especially if you have dry skin. It is important not to use a cream or lotion with too many harsh chemicals.  The moisturizer you use will also depend on your skin type. In winter, my skin is very dry so I use E45 cream. This cream is specially formulated to target dry skin. In summer I use a small amount of Palmers Firming butter, this smells very nice and has Vitamin E and ginseng in.
I hope you enjoyed my first starting off post. Remember to follow this blog on bloglovin and stay tuned for next Tuesday xxx


  1. Great blog! Loved the 5 quick tips at the beginning of this blog and then the more in depth explanations of how to use products!
    Amazing blog, can't wait for next week!
    Followed you :)

  2. Thank you so much and I will definitely check your blog out :) x

  3. I like that you wrote the rules for a healthy skin too :D
    You can find my post here if you want to read it: http://sparkleandlove.wordpress.com/2013/08/27/the-starting-off-project-my-skincare-routine/

  4. Thank you so much, I will look up your post and please follow me on bloglovin xxx

  5. I love the top tips at the start! In the past I have been useless at taking my make-up off at night but try my best now haha!

    I'm involved too, if you fancy checking my post out I'm at bethanyworrall.com x

  6. Thanks alot for the nice comment, i'm glad you enjoyed it and I will look up your post :) x
